Thursday, February 2, 2012


I apologize a little for not blogging in a while... I would apologize more, but I did warn you at the beginning of this blog that I am not sure I have what it takes to be a blogger. 

Since my last post, I have been up to my neck in planning my roommate's batchelorette party and wedding shower, along with finishing up my portfolio in anticipation of "Portfolio Review Day." Sounds scary, right?  Right.  It is tomorrow, and basically I will be seated at a table of Interior Design professionals, showing them a compilation of my class work since freshman year.  Then there will be an analysis of my portfolio, then a resume review, and possibly a mock job interview.  Have I ever mentioned that I HATE job interviews?  Seriously, I have worked several jobs, but only had to formerly interview for one, and it went terribly.  I know, I can say that all I want and you will still try to tell me "I'm sure it wasn't that bad. You got the job, right?" "True," I would say, "but the lady interviewing me actually told me that I came across as very nervous, and that the next time I interviewed, I should try to relax." O_o   You know it is bad when the interviewer points out that it is bad.

So anyway, God will get me through tomorrow like He always does, and then it will be over.  Like, really over.  I will be applying for theater jobs, mainly, so I won't be facing an Interiors firing squad again (hopefully). I did discuss with my roommate today, however, that if the theater thing falls through, it is nice that I have a degree area to fall back on!  Not to say that I will never use my training in my theater job, or that an interiors job would be unbearable, just that I WANT a theater job.  We will all see what God has planned for me, though, in a few months time. 

It's scary, isn't it, that real life looms so closely? Seriously, in the next few months, I will be involved in my last sorority events ever, finish my gigantic capstone project, finish my Honors Research project, attend multiple events for my roommates wedding (then the actual wedding itself), apply for, and hopefully be accepted to, a job/jobs, graduate college, apartment hunt or move back in with my parents, pack up my apartment and move, and start my official big-girl life! Scary, scary.

A few parting thoughts:

- I could have spit nails when Blaine got hurt with that stupid rock-salted slushie on Glee, Tuesday.  Seriously, everyone knows that he is the most awesomest person ever! Why hate with a laced slushie? Why ruin one of his beautiful eyes?

- I finished embroidering the mocking jay pin on my Hunger Games embroidery project!

- I have managed to keep my room passably clean for the past three weeks, which, if you know me, is a true miracle, because I am a stereotypically messy-creative type

- I am not as sore today from all the excercising, but I was DYING yesterday - bellydancing from 8:30-10:00, intense cardio session at the gym from 10:30-11:20, walking up three flights of stairs to my apartment, then running around after fourteen two/three-year-olds for three hours at work.  Seriously, I hurt all over.  But, after a good night's sleep, I am refreshed.

- Why do I like The Dead Poet's Society?  I usually avoid movies that are terribly sad. But this one is just so beautiful! It came on HBO several nights ago, and I introduced it to one of my roommates (not the one getting married, she is already a fan).  The best scene (besides the "O Captain, my Captain" at the end) is when Robin Williams forces the kid to create a poem about the sweaty-toothed mad man.  Just. So. Good.

- Bananas are my latest fruit obsession.  I can't get enough of them.  I had four yesterday.  Don't judge.

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