Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lazy Days

Today I realized that I need to do something.  Anything, really.  It just so happens that I only have class on Mondays and Wednesdays, leaving the rest of my week virtually free.  And what have I done with my first four day weekend?  Surfed the web in bed. Eaten occasionally.  Oh, and I enjoyed a game night with a few friends yesterday.  I  am wasting my free days away!

My roommate's fiance suggested I take up a hobby.  I have been pondering embroidery, which I have done a little of in the past with mild success.  I should also probably make my semester-long research project my new hobby, but where is the fun in that?? Just kidding - I am actually very interested in my research topic.  It's a study of how children's lives are affected by the theater, and how the theater can expand to include more opportunities for youth to get involved, especially in areas where there are little to no arts programs.  I am really passionate about the theater and all of its magical qualities. And I definitely think that all kids should be given the opportunity to experience the arts like I was fortunate enough to.  Oh wow, I think I just used a split infinative or some equally detestable grammar no-no.  My apologies.  But like I was saying, the theater is awesome and important!

Back to my problem of filling my empty days...

I guess the best thing to do would be to job search, finish my portfolio, work on my research project, and occasionally embroider something! I will get on that straight-away and report back with tales of my activities!

And now, today's random thoughts:

- I just listened to music from Pete's Dragon, one of my favorite movies from my childhood. It made me happy!

- Eventually, I will attend a ComiCon.  Someday, somewhere, I will be there dressed in a killer costume.  Unfortunately, I have no ready access to one, nor the time or money to attend.  So for now, I will continue to ponder my cosplay choices and imagine the feeling of listening to famous people on panels.

- Who else is excited for The Hunger Games movie?? I just started reading the series at the insistence of several friends, and I fell in love with them! (So far, I have read the first two books, and the third should be in my mailbox tomorrow!)  The one complaint that I have with the series is the odd first-person present narrative style.  I personally like my first-person narratives past-tense.  I just find them easier to read that way.  Oh well! The intriguing story more than made up for my bad attitude about the style.  Plus, the movie won't be told from that perspective, so no worries! It looks like it will be incredible and very accurate to the series, from what I have seen of the trailer.

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