Friday, February 10, 2012

Graduate School

Well, I decided (almost) that I will be going to grad school after I finish my undergrad.  This has been a very recent decision - as in, yesterday - that has resulted in taking away all of my spare time.  My embriodery has been put on hold, my search for an apartment is taking a backseat, and I am sparing only the smallest amount of time for planning my roommate's wedding shower.  You see, the application for grad school can be filled out anytime between now and June, but the scholarships for grad school (of which I need many) are due March 15th.  Which means I have to apply to grad school before March 15th, along with 1000 scholarships - I exaggerate, but you get my drift.  That means reworking my portfolio, updating my resume, writing approximately four essays, getting my hands on official transcripts, begging for an un-godly amount of recommendation letters, and assembling a wide variety of past projects to show off my skills.

Even with all of that work, I am the most excited that I have been about my future in a long time.  Part of it is finally making a (95%) sure decision.  Most of it, though, is about going back to school.  So sue me, I am a nerd.  I love school.  I love learning, listening to lectures, doing projects, and having deadlines.  Also, I have been praying about this decision and have not recieved any negative responses - doors have yet to slam in my face, and everyone I have talked to has confirmed that this is a good decision. 

All of this positive energy had me running like the energizer bunny.  Two nights ago, as I was trying to fall asleep, I kept finding my toe tapping furiously.  I would tell it to stop, only to realize some time later that it had started up again and I was not asleep.  Yesterday, I called my parents and told them about my day at 100 mph.  I am sure they barely caught half of what I said. This morning, however, I could not drag myself out of bed for hours after my alarm went off.  Oh well, the energy buzz had to end sometime.  Fortunately, my productivity level seems to be holding steady.

Oh, in other news, I have (almost) been offered a summer job at the place I worked for last summer!  I emailed the boss, and he told me he would contact me when he organized all of the hiring in the next few weeks! So, atleast I will have employment for the summer!  Now I need to work on finding something to earn me money while I am going to school next year.

Random Thoughts:

- Do I really need a T.V (and requisite entertainment center and cable bill) for my new apartment?  All of my favorite T.V. shows can be watched online, and my vast movie collection will play just as well on my laptop... something to think about

- As I was trying to create an acronym using the word "Friday" today, all I could think of for the "D" was "dangerously cheesey".  This, of course, made me think of Chester the Cheetos Cheetah and his cool sunglasses.

- My roommate's grandmother is in the hospital, so please be praying for her

- I really need to do crunches today. I considered going to the gym and running, then I thought better about it when I couldn't get out of bed.  But I still need to do crunches.  You see, I have always wanted a six-pack, and since I am dancing and excersizing this semester, I figured now was as good a time as any to work on getting one.

- I watched several episodes of Modern Family the other day (I had never seen it before) and it was amazingly funny!

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