Thursday, January 19, 2012

Here I Go!

I am not sure if I have what it takes to be a blogger.  I love to write, but I am not quite sure about sharing peices of my life with random strangers.  My purpose, then, in creating a blog, is two-fold.  First, my roommates both have blogs, and I was beginning to feel left out of their blogging fun.  Second, and more importantly, I am headed toward some major life changes and thought that my experiences might benefit someone - anyone. 

You see, I am a senior in college, in my second semester, which means that "real life" is right around the corner.  A job. A new apartment (or back to my parents' house).  A *fingers crossed* boyfriend.  Who knows?  I certainly don't.  What I do know is that God will be there beside me through it all, guiding me.  He will light the way in His due time, and I know He has some spectacular things in store.

What can you - "you" referring to anyone who happens to stumble upon this and find it vaugely interesting - look forward to in this blog?  I am not sure myself.  You can definitely expect musings on life, rants about scary future life-changes, movie and book reviews, and geek-outs over things that I find intriguing (for instance, my on-going battle to live left-handed in a right-handed world!)  Other than that, we will discover together what this blog will become.  For now, I hope you enjoy, and I will leave you with some random thoughts.

-- I saw an interview on-line today with Elijah Wood. He was on The Colbert Report, and Stephen Colbert was letting his nerdy side show.  He questioned Elijah about the upcoming Hobbit movie (I cannot wait!) and pulled out his replica of Sting to have a mini sword fight.  It was great!

-- The title of this blog is in reference to the song of the same name from the musical "West Side Story".  More specifically, the Glee rendition of the song, which I can't get out of my head at the moment.

-- I can't even begin to wrap my brain around applying for jobs.  The whole process really needs to start soon, but it is so overwhelming that my immediate reaction is to run away.  Not a spectacular reaction, I know, but it is what it is. 

-- Excercise is one of the worst things in the world - somewhere between gigantic insects and nuclear war on my list of abhorrent things - and yet I find myself enrolled in a Personal Fitness class, as well as Beginning Belly Dancing this semester.  Expect thrilling stories full of chaos, embarrasment, pain, anguish, and hillarity from that.

-- I found out today that the mysterious guy who would leave things like bourbon on Edgar Allen Poe's grave has stopped doing so, and I was saddened.

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