Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Aftermath...

Wow, that title sounds so morbid! I apologize.  It was the first title that came to my mind, and I just went with it!

So, a thousand apologies for how long it has been, but, if you have read my last post, you will understand how busy I have been. So, before I begin to tell you how everything turned out, I will tell you why I am back. I am having to do a blog entry for a class, and my brain went "blog entry... blog entry... Hey! I have a blog! I should write on it!"  On to the exciting stuff:

I got all of my graduate school things in, and was accepted.  Now, this may sound like a cut and dry process, quick and painless, but let me tell you, it sucked.  It appeared to be taking an incredibly long time for my application to be processed, so I contacted the office and found out something interesting.  Here is a detailed description of the process of grad school applications (from the same university as one's undergraduate degree -- I would imagine the process could become more complicated by introducing a second institution.)
                               1. Your graduate school general application is submitted to the university's admissions department
                               2. The admissions department checks to make sure all of your ducks are in a row, then sends paperwork to the graduate college office
                               3.  You submit your application to the specific college you wish to work with to earn your graduate degree (in my case, this is the Interior Design department)
                               4.  The graduate college checks some boxes on the paperwork and sends it to the specific college (College of Architecture, department of Interior Design)
                               5.  The college checks more boxes and gets several signatures and sends the paperwork back to the graduate college
                               6.  The graduate college makes sure that all of the appropriate boxes were checked and that all appropriate signatures were attained, then sends the paperwork back to the office of admissions
                               7.  The office of admissions drafts an acceptance letter and mails it to the applicant - the mailing part is important, because the refuse to conduct any part of this process online

So that is the whole kit and kaboodle.  While it is crazy and highly redundant, it still sounds fairly straight forward, right? That is, until you contact the graduate college office, who claims that they sent the correct paperwork by mail to the college.  Then, you contact the graduate liason at the college, and they claim to have never recieved the paperwork.  This would strike you as weird when you remember that the graduate college is literally ACROSS THE STREET from the College of Architecture.  My application paperwork got lost in the mail.  I had to have it re-drafted, put through the process again - but this time, I intercepted it between steps 4 and 5 and walked it to the liason myself.  After that, it was still many weeks before the liason filed my paperwork. 

So moral of the story, I find out that I am accepted to grad school on the day before my senior showcase review.  That's right: final's week.  That is how long it took.  But, I got in, and that is super exciting!  I have even completed a week of classes already! They are different than I thought - a lot of incomprehensible reading and discussions. But, it is a nice change from studio!

Since the last time I blogged, I have also completed another summer at the theater, doing prop work! It was HOT, exhausting, and confusing at times, but totally worth it! And, I got to spend a lot of time with my friends from work! 

Plus, I found an apartment that I liked, which funnily enough, was not one of the original 20 that I toured, and have moved in, decorated to my heart's content!  Also, after a summer without T.V. or internet, I have acquired both!

AND, I am currently working as a Graduate Teaching assistant, volunteering on the yearbook staff, helping a family with a residential design project, and subbing as a child care leader at my church when they need me!  God has blessed me with so many financial opportunites, along with experiences that will help me to grow and have a blast!!

Oh, and after several crazy days of running around submitting things, I finished my portfolio, which turned out really neat, presented my senior capstone, which went fairly well, presented my senior showcase, which could have gone better, and turned in my Honor's Thesis, which got me an "A" in the class!  So everything tuned out well in the end!

Now to leave you with random musings:

-- glee comes back on September 13th! Can't wait!
-- My favorite Superman (Dean Cain) is on a new T.V. show called "Stars Earn Stripes" and it is super cool! (pun seriously not intended, but lol anyway)
-- My refrigerator is woefully empty, which I am afraid will be its inevitable condition during my graduate school career
-- While working at a theater over the summer, I had a different pair of paint pants for each day of the week.  Now that I am back at school, I find that I only have 3 acceptable pairs of pants to wear to class and work.  Taking into account that I see the same people for four days straight, I am afraid there is no way for me to mix up my outfits so my lack of pants is not painfully obvious :(
-- I am two chapters away from re-reading the Lord of the Rings series, and then I will watch the movies (extended versions, of course) then move onto reading the Hobbit, in anticipation of the movie in December!

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