Monday, April 2, 2012

Thinking of you...

I decided to post today, not because I have much exciting news since the last post, but because I was thinking about blogs and wanted to! 

Well, I am freaking out.

FREAKING OUT. Except not - but kind of.

There is literally a month left of school (our last day of class is May 5th.) This means that in ONE MONTH, I have to work on, finish, and present my Capstone project; research, work on, complete, and submit my Honors Research Paper/Project; finish planning/host my roommate's wedding shower; identify, apply for, and lease a place to live; get a car; pack up all of my things to prepare for a move; attend multiple sorority and professional club functions; take my final fitness test; and give a final belly dancing performance.  Did I mention that the week after that is finals week? It is, and that means I have to prepare a summary presentation of my schooling career to be judged by a panel of professional and my relatives; work on and finish my final portfolio; finish packing and physically move; GRADUATE; and begin final preperations for my roommate's bachelorette party and wedding.

Needless to say, I am freaking out.

I am not, only in the sense that I know the Lord will provide and eventually all of these things will pass. Only one more month, right?

So, short blog post today, but I wanted to do it, so I did!

Random thoughts:

- Why does my nose have to get sun-burnt worse that any other part of my face? I look like Rudolph!
- The Hunger Games movie was AMAZING! It was like watching the book!
- Hanging with my girlfriends is one of my favorite things to do!